Forklift B, in English, 7 days
Forklift certificate in 7 days
The education is a good mix of practical exercises and classroom teaching. You can look forward to learning how to drive and operate forklifts and self-propelled forklifts and how to properly stow, pick up and put down different types of goods.
In the classroom, you will be taught by our experienced and skilled teachers. Here you will, among other things, learn to read different load diagrams and about the risks associated with working with the machines.
A certificate test is taken in accordance with the Danish Working Environment Authority's executive order on occupational health and safety education (BEK 1978 of 27/10/2011) and laid down in the examiner's guide for this type of certificate.
- You must be 18 years of age.
- You must be able to show a valid driving license or a satisfactory medical certificate (the Danish Health Authority's form for health information when issuing a driving licence).
Tid & sted
Hvilken pris skal jeg betale?
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Hvis du er jobsøgende, betales udgiften af jobcentret/kommunen. Gælder for ledige med ret til 6-ugers jobrettet uddannelse i henhold til positivlisten, samt kontanthjælpsmodtagere m.fl.
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