Basic Leadership Development

Basic Leadership Development

Leadership is dynamic and constantly evolving, making a strong foundation essential. You will gain tools and training to navigate daily challenges effectively.

With the "Basic Leadership Development," you receive a flexible and hands-on leadership education that provides you with a strong foundation as a leader. We focus on your personal and managerial development, with carefully selected modules to equip you with a solid toolbox. You will be prepared to face or meet the challenges and responsibilities of a leadership role—whether you are aspiring to a leadership position, are new to leadership, or you already have experience.


The education provides you with:
  • Insights into the fundamentals: Your personal leadership style, leadership principles, and theories.
  • Communication awareness and tools for conflict management.
  • Preparation and execution of effective meetings.
  • Use of targeted leadership
  • A solid foundation for managing changes.

The 6 Modules of the Leadership Development

Module 1 – Personal leadership and self-awareness:
  • Focus on you as a leader
  • Leadership styles and methods
  • Planning, prioritizing, and delegating tasks
Module 2 – Leadership Communications:
  • Become aware of your communication.
  • Training in one of the most important leadership tools: The ability to listen!
  • Insights into different types of employees and training in various communication patterns.
Module 3 – Meeting Management:
  • Organizing and conducting effective meetings, including evaluation of the meeting. 
  • Physical and digital meetings.
Module 4 – Conflict Management and Challenging Conversations:
  • What is a conflict and how do conflicts arise?
  • Spotting and addressing conflicts early—or letting them evolve
  • Training in handling the various challenging conversations in the leadership role
Module 5 – Situational Leadership and diversity:
  • Strengthen your leadership effectiveness.
  • Create motivation, action, and results.
  • Focus on motivation and competence development.
Module 6 – Change Management and involvement:
  • Leadership is about change—constant, and not everyone welcomes change
  • Ensuring a good working environment in change projects and processes
  • Resistance to change is entirely natural. You will train to tackle resistance
It is possible to attend individual modules. Contact us at phone number 48 29 00 07 or e-mail:


The training is organized with short theoretical sessions, individual exercises, group work, and materials so that the course is continuously connected to your everyday life as a leader. We will wrap up the entire course, and you will create a plan for how to retain and apply what you have learned. You also have the option to purchase coaching sessions with one of your instructors, where you will receive personal feedback and a plan for your development potential.


The course lasts 13 days, divided into six modules of one to three days each. Between each module, you will receive focus areas that you can choose to work on further at your job.

When do I have to participate?

Dates: 13.-15. January + 17.-19. Febuary + 10.-11. March + 7.-8. April + 5.-7. May

Target Audience

The course is for those who seek clarity on whether they should become a leader, are newly appointed leaders, or experienced leaders who want a development program to strengthen their leadership skills and challenge them with relevant and work-related issues. The Basic Leadership Course is a labor market education aimed at leaders with a short or vocational education.

Your Competencies After Completing

Awareness creates the ability to act based on your intuition. Throughout the course, you will be well-prepared to handle the tasks you will face in the leadership role, including:
  • Handling resistance to change
  • Overcoming challenges in collaboration with fellow leaders and upper management
  • Prioritizing personnel management and task resolution
  • Effective communication and empathetic listening
  • Conducting challenging conversations
  • Leading professionally respecting the involved parties/persons and the situation
  • Ensuring optimal collaboration in your team
  • Planning effective meetings
  • Developing your employees
  • Creating motivation and well-being
  • The ability to influence and drive development

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3 Good Reasons to Take the "Basic Leadership Training"

  1. Strengthen your leadership: Practical toolsthe training provides you with concrete tools to handle everyday leadership challenges – from effective communication to meeting management and conflict resolution

  2. Build a solid foundation for your leadership: This training offers a strong platform to grow from. The modules cover everything from personal leadership style to change management and motivation.

  3. Gain personal development and practical experiencethe program: Practice-oriented and directly linked to your daily leadership tasks. you'll learn through exercises, group work, and theory, with the option to add coaching for further support in your leadership journey.

Take the next step in your career and become a stronger leader – sign up today
Info om fag
49734 - Forandringsledelse

Beskrivelse: Efter uddannelsen kan du gennemføre forandrings- og udviklingsprocesser inden for organisatoriske og teknologiske forandringer, som fx digital og bæredygtig omstilling. Du bliver bevidst om faktorer, der kan påvirke medarbejderens motivation, trivsel, effektivitet og kompetenceudvikling i forandringsprocesser. Du er bevidst om sin egen ledelsesrolle i forandrings- og udviklingsprocesser samt initiativer, der fremmer det gode arbejdsmiljø i forbindelse med forandringsledelse.

Fagnummer: 49734 Forandringsledelse Varighed 3 dage Inden for AMUs målgruppe: DKK 642,00 Uden for AMUs målgruppe: DKK 1.925,45 Er på følgende regionale positivlister: National positivliste Østjylland
49729 - Kommunikation som ledelsesværktøj

Beskrivelse: Efter uddannelsen er du bevidst om kommunikationens betydning for egen lederrolle, og du kan aktivt bruge forskellige kommunikationsformer i kommunikationen med medarbejdere, lederkolleger og egen leder.

Fagnummer: 49729 Kommunikation som ledelsesværktøj Varighed 2 dage Inden for AMUs målgruppe: DKK 428,00 Uden for AMUs målgruppe: DKK 1.370,30 Er på følgende regionale positivlister: National positivliste
49728 - Ledelse og det personlige lederskab

Beskrivelse: Deltageren udvikler sit kendskab til egen ledelsesstil og bliver bevidst om sin ledelsesrolle i forhold til samarbejdssituationer på alle niveauer i organisationen. Deltageren lærer at skabe rum til ledelse ved fx at skabe overblik, prioritere og delegere opgaver.

Fagnummer: 49728 Ledelse og det personlige lederskab Varighed 3 dage Inden for AMUs målgruppe: DKK 642,00 Uden for AMUs målgruppe: DKK 1.925,45 Er på følgende regionale positivlister: National positivliste
49732 - Lederens konflikthåndtering og vanskelige samtaler

Beskrivelse: Efter uddannelsen kan du i ledelsesfunktionen - gennem sit kendskab til teorier om konflikter, deres udvikling og parternes reaktioner - forebygge og håndtere konflikter og gennemføre samtaler med konfliktpotentiale.

Fagnummer: 49732 Lederens konflikthåndtering og vanskelige samtaler Varighed 2 dage Inden for AMUs målgruppe: DKK 428,00 Uden for AMUs målgruppe: DKK 1.370,30 Er på følgende regionale positivlister: National positivliste
49730 - Mødeledelse

Beskrivelse: Efter uddannelsen kan deltageren som et element i ledelsesfunktionen planlægge, afholde og lede forskellige typer af møder med fokus på at skabe værdi for virksomheden og mening for deltagerne.

Fagnummer: 49730 Mødeledelse Varighed 1 dag Inden for AMUs målgruppe: DKK 214,00 Uden for AMUs målgruppe: DKK 815,15 Er på følgende regionale positivlister: National positivliste
49733 - Situationsbestemt ledelse

Beskrivelse: Efter kurset kan du anvende situationsbestemt ledelse til at skabe trivsel og motivation og samtidig fremme effektiviteten og produktiviteten. Du kan delegere ansvar, beslutninger og opgaver i forhold til den enkelte medarbejders og teamets kompetencer.

Fagnummer: 49733 Situationsbestemt ledelse Varighed 2 dage Inden for AMUs målgruppe: DKK 428,00 Uden for AMUs målgruppe: DKK 1.370,30 Er på følgende regionale positivlister: National positivliste

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